Monday, March 28, 2016

Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman

Well, I’m very disappointed.  I had decided never to publish another book.  However, my publishing company decided to publish the first draft of my novel, that I wrote way back in the 50s, and pretend it was a new book.  How would you like people to read your first draft of something?  I can tell you, I’m pretty embarrassed!  To Kill a Mockingbird is a much better book than Go Set a Watchman.  So far, one of the biggest complaints reviewers have is how Atticus Finch is portrayed in Go Set a Watchman.  Some people are saying that he changed too much.  Some people are saying that Scout is simply seeing her father through the eyes of an adult, instead of the eyes of a child.  Some people are upset that their fictional hero has significant flaws.  What people don’t get is that, Atticus in Go Set a Watchman is a different character than Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird!.  He is an earlier version of the character.  I changed him.  Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird, is the new version of the character I decided to create.  I wish my publisher had never published Go Set a Watchman!  It would have saved me a lot of explaining!

The Hanover County School Board says To Kill a Mockingbird is Immoral and Bans it from Schools!!!

“Recently I have received echoes down this way of the Hanover County School Board's activities, and what I've heard makes me wonder if any of its members can read.
Surely it is plain to the simplest intelligence that To Kill a Mockingbird spells out in words of seldom more than two syllables a code of honour and conduct, Christian in its ethic, that is the heritage of all Southerners. To hear that the novel is 'immoral' has made me count the years between now and 1984, for I have yet to come across a better example of doublethink.
I feel, however, that the problem is one of illiteracy, not Marxism.  Therefore I enclose a small contribution to the Beadle Bumble Fund that I hope will be used to enroll the Hanover County School Board in any first grade of its choice.”

What do you think? What is immoral about my novel?